RAFT will host a public review of the new California Science Curriculum at their San Jose location co-sponsored by the California Science Teachers’ Association

On January 13, 2016, Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT) will hold a public review of the CA Science Curriculum at its San Jose location, from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. The California Science Curriculum (CA Science Curriculum) was created to help educators understand the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) which are now used in schools all over the United States.

After over a year in development, the California Curriculum Science Framework and Evaluation Criteria document is ‘LIVE’ for a 60-day public review period, November 17, 2015 through January 19, 2016. During that time, anyone can read the current draft of the CA Science Framework and provide feedback to the California Department of Education (CDE) either individually or by attending a hosted review session. All involved with science education are especially encouraged to attend the review sessions.

Public review is a critical process for vetting the document and gaining feedback on its effectiveness. Attendees are encouraged to read chapter 1,Introduction and Guiding Principles for the Implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve, and chapter 2, Overview of the California Next Generation Science Standards. RAFT’s session will also be reviewing chapter 9, Access and Equity. The entire California Science Curriculum Framework & Evaluation Criteria document can be read online at: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/sc/cf/scifw1st60daypubreview.asp

The State Board of Education created the CA Science Curriculum by appointing a committee of practicing K-12 teachers to write the new code. The group met several times during the past year to author and provide feedback for the Science Curriculum.

“As an organization with a focus on STEM, RAFT is pleased to host this curriculum framework review session. It is an important opportunity to give feedback in the very important area of science education,” says Grainger Marburg, CEO of RAFT

Feedback will be provided to the California Department of Education and then incorporated into the next draft of the document.

About RAFT
RAFT believes the best way to spark the love of learning for the next generation of thinkers, innovators, problem-solvers, and creators, is through hands-on learning. A nonprofit organization since 1994, RAFT serves 12,000 educators each year who teach over 900,000 students. Find out more about RAFT and how to get involved at http://www.raft.729solutions.com.