Thank You to Our Individual and Foundation Donors

Cumulative donations from July 1, 2022-November 30, 2023.
*Bolded names and logos reflect donors who have given $20,000 and above.
STEAM Champion
KLA Foundation
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors
Educator Advocate
($50,000- $99,999)
Cisco Systems, Inc.
City of San Jose
Synopsys Outreach Foundation
Learning Supporter
Adobe Inc.
Altamont Education Advisory Board
Jimi and Ned Barnholt Impact Fund
Bruce and Gail Chizen
Credo Semiconductor, Inc.
Ann and Alden Danner
John Danner
Emilio de Sousa
Juniper Networks
Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
Fenwick & West
Ferrer US
Ali and Kevin Fried
The Geschke Foundation
Mark And Carolyn Guidry Foundation
James Harrington
Harrington Family Foundation
House Family Foundation
HP, Inc.
Sharon and Aubrey Hutchins
Infineon Technologies Corporation
Infosys Foundation USA
John and Deanne Ebner
Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Christina and Webb McKinney
Morgan Stanley
Dean O. Morton
Anne and Ron Murphy
Brooks Nelson
North Star Charitable Foundation
Cindy and Randy Pond
Stefan Raffl
Karen and Bruce Rohde
Sares Regis
Sereno Group
Douglas Spreng
Sundi Sundaresh
Synopsys, Inc.
Troper Wojcicki Foundation
Western Digital
E*Trade Financial
Donna Whitney and Uwe Kladde
Whitney Education Foundation
Tinkerer Supporter
($5,000- $9,999)
Atkinson Foundation
Atlassian Inc.
The Ball Family
Sarah and Brooks Beard
Jan Birenbaum
Bon Appetit
Laurie and Bill Brennan
Debjani Deb and Vidya Phalke
Electronic Arts, Inc.
First Tech Federal Credit Union
Franklin Templeton Investments
Diane and Peter Geschke
Intel Corporation
Evelyn and Francis Lee
Cathie Lesjak and Brian Boisseree
Alicia Moore
Palo Alto Rotary Club
San Jose Water Company
County of San Mateo Office of Sustainability
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Valley Water
Jennifer Van Dalsen and Tor Braham
Ronald Whittier Family Foundation
Jacqueline Whittier Kubicka
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation
Maker Supporter
($1,000- $4,999)
Robin Adams
Apple Inc.
Patricia and Louis Bellardo
Kathleen Caffall and
Cynthia Morris
Mary Rose and Luca Cafiero
Frederic Caldwell
Carolyn Carhart-Quezada and Samuel Quezada
Laura and Michael Carns
Gloria and Michael Chiang
Elizabeth Chien and Cecil Mak
Elizabeth and James Cilker
Chris and Alisha Collier
Ed Engler
Keli Forsman
Jeff Fox
Muffi Ghadiali
Courtney Gin
Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc.
Kevin Hague
Anne B. and Lawrence W. Hambly
Dotty and Terry Hayes
Heaven's Helping Hand Foundation
Helms Foundation, Inc.
High Tech High Heels Foundation
Erin Hintz and David Lilienstein
MaryJane and Vernon R. Johnson
Elizabeth and Robert Joss
Margaret and Francis W. Keeler
Thomas and Bev Sanford Kilsdonk
Kevin Kranzusch
Ky-Van Lee and Scott Benson
Stanley and Sayang Lim
Ron and Dixie Lopes
Sharlynn Mar
Janette Mello
Microsoft Corporation
Steven Morgan
Jason Morrella
The Morrison & Foerster Foundation
Edith Mourtos
Mary Murphy and Mark Stevens
Padma and Naren Nayak
Mara and Ryan Nicholson
Miki and Yosuke Ogata
Brian Outland
Heidi Parks
Gerry and Jean-Pierre Patkay
Matthew Peloquin
Pine Cone Lumber
David Pollock
Posner - Wallace Foundation
Provident Credit Union
Robert Brownlee Foundation
Jayanti Roy
Cindy and Allen Ruby
Sam Safadi
Loretta Sevilla
Datta and Girish Shah
Tejal and Bhavin Shah
Mary Simon
Madeline Smedt
Suzanne and Gordon Smedt
Colleen and Geoff Tate
Texas Instruments
Diane Vanasse
Susan and Sanjay Vaswani
Wealthspire Advisors LLC
Andrea Whittaker and Joe Scuncio
Martha and John Zielinski
Material Donors
(Over 100 tons)
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Galileo Learning Center
Genentech, Inc.
Greener Source (RAFT Material Donor of the Year)
Oracle Corporation