4.MD.1. Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Record measurement equivalents in a two- column table. For example, know that 1 ft is 12 times as long as 1 in. Express the length of a 4 ft snake as 48 in. Generate a conversion table for feet and inches listing the number pairs (1, 12), (2, 24), (3, 36), …||Common Core Mathematics||Grade 4||Measurement And Data||Solve Problems Involving Measurement And Conversion Of Measurements From A Larger Unit To A Smaller Unit|||Represent data in graphical displays to reveal patterns of daily changes in length & direction of shadows, day & night, & the seasonal appearance of some stars in the night sky.||Next Generation Science Standards||Grade 5||Earth and Space Science||Earth’s Place in the Universe|||5.MD.1. Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system (e.g., convert 5 cm to 0.05 m), and use these conversions in solving multi-step, real world problems.||Common Core Mathematics||Grade 5||Measurement And Data||Convert Like Measurement Units Within A Given Measurement System|||Analyze and interpret data to determine scale properties of objects in the solar system. [Examples of scale properties include the sizes of an object’s layers (such as crust and atmosphere), surface features (such as volcanoes), and orbital radius.] ||Next Generation Science Standards||Middle School||Earth and Space Science||Earth’s Place in the Universe|||6.RP.1. Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. For example, “”The ratio of wings to beaks in the bird house at the zoo was 2:1, because for every 2 wings there was 1 beak.”” “”For every vote candidate A received, candidate C received nearly three votes.””||Common Core Mathematics||Grade 6||Ratios And Proportional Relationships||Understand Ratio Concepts And Use Ratio Reasoning To Solve Problems|||6.RP.2. Understand the concept of a unit rate a/b associated with a ratio a:b with b =? 0, and use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship. For example, “”This recipe has a ratio of 3 cups of flour to 4 cups of sugar, so there is 3/4 cup of flour for each cup of sugar.”” “”We paid $75 for 15 hamburgers, which is a rate of $5 per hamburger.””1||Common Core Mathematics||Grade 6||Ratios And Proportional Relationships||Understand Ratio Concepts And Use Ratio Reasoning To Solve Problems|||6.RP.3. Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations.||Common Core Mathematics||Grade 6||Ratios And Proportional Relationships||Understand Ratio Concepts And Use Ratio Reasoning To Solve Problems|||7.RP.2. Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities.||Common Core Mathematics||Grade 7||Ratios And Proportional Relationships||Analyze Proportional Relationships And Use Them To Solve Real-World And Mathematical Problems