The RAFT Experience in San Jose

Discover the Heart of RAFT

Explore Our Unique Store, Innovative Programs, and Vision for the Future

Join us for a one-hour journey through the RAFT Store in San Jose! This exclusive tour is designed for community friends and leaders, offering a unique glimpse into our diverse product offerings, the innovative work happening behind the scenes, and our exciting plans for the future. Discover how our hands-on STEAM education resources are shaping the minds of future problem-solvers and leaders.
A donation or payment is not required for the tour.
The RAFT Experience highlights how our store and programs empower educators with affordable, high-quality materials and inspires students to explore, create, and innovate. Enjoy engaging activities, snacks, and light refreshments during your visit.

Your Support Helps Educators

We provide recycled and low-cost STEAM learning materials, makerspace support, and professional development workshops for over 8,000 educators and their 150,000 students in the Bay Area and nationwide.