The week of May 2nd, educators all over the country are thanked for their efforts in teaching. When it comes to student performance on reading and math tests, a teacher is estimated to have two to three times the impact of any other school factor, including services, facilities, and even leadership (Teachers Matter: Understanding Teachers’…

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By Ashley Estes, RAFT Fellow  RAFT is one of the best places to find some amazing premade kits and learning tools. These kits are great and can be used across many grade levels. As a 1st grade teacher, I use them weekly in my classroom. In this article, I would love to explain one kit…

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Guest post by Brittany Coleman, Marketing and Communications Coordinator at Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT) Instead of turning to affordable repurposing, many teachers and after-school providers spend hundreds of dollars of their own money each month on school supplies and activities for learning. But little do they know that the average person generates 4.3 pounds of…

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By Elisha Burns, RAFT Fellow This is the time of the year when I think of all the things that I am thankful for having in my life. Materials found at RAFT With all of the extra expenses that come with a teaching career I am happy to learn of any ways to lessen my…

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Resource Area for Teaching celebrates National Week of the Young Child April 5, 2016 – As part of the national Week of the Young Child™ (April 10-16, 2016) celebrated across the country, Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT) locations in California and Colorado are honoring young children and all those who make a difference in children’s lives. “All young…

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By Rita Mercado, First Grade Teacher, Serendipity School I have taught first grade for the last 12 years, and it seems like every year I get questions about what we do during our “Choice Time.” The number one thing that my students learn how to do during playtime or choice time is learn how to…

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In a country ravaged by war, floods, and famines, Loreto Primary School in South Sudan takes a stand for education using RAFT hands-on learning kits. In a country where half of its people live below the poverty line and onechild in three is stunted (SS Household Health Survey 2010), education plays a vital role in…

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On March 29th, the SMCOE STEM fair was held at the Hiller Aviation Museum. Every year, RAFT is allowed to pick a special winner who has demonstrated an exceptional skills in science. The RAFT special award winner this year is Maya Ellis, a fifth grader from Central Middle School in San Carlos!  Maya’s physics project,…

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RAFT San Jose gets its teachers in gear for International Pi Day. Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT) the San Jose-based nonprofit organization committed to hands-on learning, will host a Pi Day event on March 5th in honor of International Pi Day on March 14th. The March 5th event will be held from 1:30pm – 3:30pm…

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