RAFT Blog, News, and Events
Featured Articles and News
RAFT now offers consulting, professional learning, and supplies for makerspaces San Jose, CA (PRWEB)July 26, 2016 RAFT announces a range of products and services which provide educators with professional learning and coaching, robust design-based curriculum, and upcycled materials to engage students in creative exploration…
Read MoreReceiving four out of a possible four stars means RAFT supporters can be assured that their organization is worthy of trust and commitment. Resource Area for Teaching’s (RAFT) strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency, has once again earned a 4-star…
Read MoreBy Amanda Amburgey M.A, Maker Science Teacher, Bulldog Tech What is going on in this classroom? There are kids everywhere excitedly making, testing, remaking, retesting, hot gluing, hammering, there is so much duct tape! This is what engineering looks like in a middle school…
Read MoreRAFT provides educators with engaging and affordable learning activities for summer. On average, students lose two months of academic skills over the summer, and studies show that teachers spend large amounts of time re-teaching material once students go back to school. To curb this…
Read MoreBy Jeanne Lazzarini, RAFT Math Educator/R&D Specialist – Published in CMC ComMuniCator, Volume 40, Number 4
Read MoreIn 2015, President Barack Obama proclaimed the National Week of Making to help fortify a country of makers inspired to pursue their passions of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). This year, Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT) supports the National Week of Making by…
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