A Successful Voyage
On September 23, 2020 the SS RAFT took sail. During the virtual event, guests were able to learn more about RAFT, honor people and organizations that have had a profound impact on the education community, and learn what RAFT is doing to support joy in learning during these uncertain times.
We were able to raise over $277,000 for our community! Thank you for supporting All Aboard the SS RAFT!

Our Captains
Steering the ship were our captains! RAFT CEO Jason Morella and Vice Chair of the Board Nigel Ball hosted the event by sharing RAFT’s work and celebrating the awardees of the evening.
If you would like to watch the event again, please go to www.raftspecialeventlive.com, log in with your email and password (AllAboard), and click on Archive.
RAFT’s Impact
The pandemic has been hard on everyone. On top of adjusting to living in pandemic times, our education community also has had to adjust to distance learning.
Watch the video to learn more about our work during the pandemic.
STEAM Teachers of the Year
RAFT was happy to honor 5 teachers as the STEAM Teachers of the Year. These educators were recognized by their colleagues and students for the profound impact they have on their community.
Watch the video to hear the inspiring stories of these educators!
RAFT Heroes
RAFT was pleased to honor RAFT Heroes during the event. These heroes have supported RAFT due to their strong passion for educators and students.
In this video, our heroes share what RAFT means to them.
RAFT Volunteers
RAFT would be nothing without our volunteers. Our volunteers help make resources affordable and available to RAFT members.
The video showcases a group of volunteers who have a profound impact on RAFT.
RAFT Staff
Behind the event and our work is a dedicated staff making it all happen! In this fun, throwback video, meet the great RAFT team!
Event Sponsors
We want to thank our event sponsors for their support of our event and our efforts during the pandemic on behalf of our community.




Adora Fisher
Anne and Ron Murphy
Brooks and Sarah Beard
Cecil Mak and Elizabeth Chien
Christine and Tony Martino
Chuck and Nan Geschke
Credo Semiconductor Inc.
Dave House and Devyani Kamdar
Donna Whitney and Uwe Kladde
Dotty and Terry Hayes
Doug Spreng
Jillian Forusz and Fred Houston
John and Deanne Ebner
Harrington Family Foundation
Karen and Bruce Rohde
Kathy Yates and Peter Troop
Kevin and Ali Fried
Mark and Carolyn Guidry Foundation
Mary Simon
Michelle Sklar and Joe Sheredy
Nigel and Pamela Ball
Peter and Diane Geschke
Private Ocean, LLC
Sharon and Aubrey Hutchins
Sridhar Narasimhan and Preethi Krishnan
Stefan Raffl
Webb and Christina McKinney
49ers Museum
Andrea Whittaker and Joe Scuncio
Athletic Performance in Los Gatos
Gunjan and Shrawni Sinha
Harrington Family Foundation
Harvest Moon Winery
Jason Morrella
J. Lohr Wines
Kosta Browne Gap’s Crown Vinyard
Los Altos Golf and Country Club
Lott Family Vineyard
Michelle Sklar and Joe Sheredy
Nigel and Pamela Ball
Nivisha and Manish Mehta
Ridge Winery
San Jose Sharks
Susanna Salim
Small Bees
Sonia Sawhney
Webb and Christina McKinney
All these elements came together for a very successful event! And a key part of that was YOU! Because of your support, we were able to raise over $277,000 for students and educators!
We want to thank everyone for making our event a successful one! We look forward to seeing you next year!