Today is STEAM Day and National Parents as Teachers Day! Not only do we recognize the importance of a well-rounded education, but we also devote our attention to the people who start the educational journeys of our children. As students and educators, there’s a lot for us to celebrate today!

We at RAFT understand the benefits of educational programs centered around science, technology, engineering, art, and math. Instruction in all of these fields allow our students to take their education forward, and it’s our mission to provide the resources and tools for hands-on STEAM learning.

Of course, it takes more than just the right tools to build a strong educational environment. Inspiration and the ability to find the joy of learning come from our educators, and we can’t deny the educational role that our parents have played. Much research has emphasized the need for parental involvement in a child’s initial education, as it is critical for their development and ability to learn new skills. Not only this, but parents help our children get excited about learning, and we at RAFT hope to do the same.

Whether you’re a teacher, a parent, a guardian, or any other kind of educator, please consider visiting our store for all kinds of STEAM learning kits designed to enhance the educational experience. Today is the perfect day for STEAM learning, and we at RAFT are happy to provide what you need!