As featured on

Our Educator Resources

Free resources include classroom idea sheets, teacher tip sheets, and at-home learning activities. Low-cost resources such as STEAM project kits and workshops are available in our store and online.

Professional Development

The RAFT Store and Online Shop

Our 33,412 square foot San Jose facility is unique in the Bay Area. Known as the “Costco” of educator supplies you can purchase low-cost supplies and use our creative workroom with a large collection of die-cuts, laminators, 3-D printers, and more.

RAFT shoppers

Ways to Get Involved

You can donate money, materials, and volunteer. We welcome corporate teams: RAFT partners with over 200 companies that have donated materials and helped build kits and other resources.

Volunteer event

What Our Members Are Saying

The Difference We're Making

Free STEAM Learning Activity Sheets to do at home.
Corporate partners and 6,000 volunteers every year that provide grants, matching funds, donations, and their time.
Tons of material diverted from landfill annually. Over 1 million cubic feet of upcycled materials to date.
Classroom STEAM Idea Sheets and 100 Project Kits for educators to use in their teaching of these subjects.

Your Support Helps Educators

We provide recycled and low-cost STEAM learning materials, makerspace support, and professional development workshops for over 8,000 educators and their 150,000 students in the Bay Area and nationwide.